Something about me

One of the first memories I have of my childhood is my mother and I sitting on the floor, playing this game in which I had to cut images from magazines, glue them on a copybook and – through the sequence of pictures created – invent a story. During the years I continued to create stories that could engage and be loved by the audience.

I developed my skills in order to be able to create with a large variety of media.

I’m an Art Director & Designer who has worked in graphic design, animation, game design and videomaking.
This diverse background give me a comprehensive understanding of platforms and processes.

My goal is to create experiences with a positive impact that can elevate and consolidate brands.

In a project, my best skills are resilience, empathy and a passion for playful designs and interactions.

Between other things:

– I have guided the art direction of 4 Kickstarter campaigns that raised in total more than 1$ million.

– I worked on the game Fuzzy House, which won the Educational Spilprisen Award 2017 and was nominated Best Fun for Everyone at the Nordic Games Awards.

– I’ve been a speaker at the Nordic Game Conference in Malmö.

– I am Guest Lecturer and Teacher in different courses focused on prototyping and game design.